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Everything posted by dwb9881

  1. How about a little advise a helping hand so to speak. I have 30yrs in Boy Scouts attained Eagle, wear 3 beads and I could list on for quite awhile, like many others. My daughter has been in a Crew and is not happy, so I am in the process of starting a new one. Yes I have everything I need youth (8), adults, and parents who are willing to help. I know how its supposed to run and the issues why she is unhappy. But with as much as I know I am still a nubbie the program. I have read books, flyers, posts but still searching for anything I can learn. Before you say reach out to the Council, or a DE. Venturing is very small in our council and my resources are few. Please anything will be a help from meeting ideas to activities to well anything. I am not afraid to fail I am afraid to fail because I did not do everything I could.-----Thank you
  2. I am looking for images of what has been released so i can match them up with what i have and see what I am missing. I have been picking up patches from several sites, and have gotten several Jamboree patches from different years, different CSP's this may seem like a big gift but he enjoys Scouts and earning all the patches and badges he can. I have found councilstrip.com but I have a CSP or 2 that they don't show and today i ordered some patch protectors form Besthobbypages.com. Thanks for the help
  3. Can anyone help me out wit a list of CSP's issued by Illowa council. I would like to get a complete set for a gift. I have already started buying some of them from different sites, and this Blue Book is sold out. I only want ones from Illowa. Please help Thanks
  4. can anyone help me out with a listing of what just Illowa Council has out for CSP's, seams everyone is sold out of the book and i would like to try and get the patches he is missing for a gift Thanks
  5. were is the best place (cheapest) to get one, please understand i am willing to spend the money to so i can find out what he needs but like everyone else i dont want to part with anymore money than i have to. Thanks
  6. Anyone know were i can find a complete list of my sons local council shoulder patches i know he is missing a few but i do not know what ones. I am hoping that i dont have buy a book, he only collects local council items or ones he earns or visits not so much a trader. hoping to complete his council set in the few months. He is finishing his EAGLE project up next weekend.
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