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Everything posted by dvandetta

  1. And you have to wonder why people become atheists? It is precisely because of the bigotry, hatred, and intolerance to other ideas and ideals that we are experiencing on this message board. Fortunately, I've been impressed with many of the responses I've read on here, but there are a few that need to open their minds. In my opinion, we should question everything we are told and remember the history of what has occurred in the past so we do not make the same mistakes over and over again. Communism is not evil. It is a form of government that appears to not fit the human condition very well, at least in the ways it has been implemented in the past. We should learn from those mistakes...not just listen to our parents or the government and say to ourselves "They are evil, we are good." That is exactly what THEY could say about US. If we do not teach about what has and hasn't worked about communism, and many other forms of government, to our children, we will never progress and will be doomed to repeat the mistakes we've already made. I am an atheist, both of my children consider themselves Christians, right now. They believe this way because of the Christian school we sent them to for pre-school and kindergarten. We sent them there because it was what we found to be the best for them at the time. I intend on teaching them about many different religions so they can choose for themselves what is right for them. As for the BSA, they have every right to deny membership to anyone they want. For the most part, BSA leaders appear to be pretty well educated and tolerant. Let's not let a few bad apples spoil the pie. I will actively search for a non-relious based organization for my son to participate in. If enough parents find a need for such an organization, none of us will need to worry about this topic... -D
  2. Lisabob, I know they cannot be compelled to legally, but having the "under God" as part of the pledge provides for an inauthentic situation for our children. To pledge allegiance to our flag and be a good citizen does not necessarily require a belief in a higher power and, IMHO, shouldn't... but the topic here is regarding the BSA, which I understand is a private organization and they can discriminate as they please. I understand the BSA is very large and needs to take it's stand somewhere, and in line with the beliefs of the organizations leadership. I think that in order for the children to have the best possible experience, the issue of what their faith is should be left up to the children and their parents. Could the parents of this child declare that the scientific method was his religion to satisfy the requirements of the BSA? The "higher power" would therefore exist as all human knowledge. -D
  3. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: One nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." As American Citizens, we are all required to publicly declare that there is a God from early on in our education. (NOTE: The "under God" part was added to the pledge in 1954 by President Eisenhower.) This is apparently a non-denominational God in order to accommodate the millions of Americans who are not Christians, but does not account for atheists and agnostics. It also states "Justice for all"... I would imagine that includes those who do not believe in a God. I was raised a Christian, my wife was raised a Christian, and our children have gone to a Christian elementary school. For the past 10 yrs, I have considered myself an atheist. I have far too often witnessed more hate, bigotry, and hypocrisy than love come from the church. I have made this decision for myself but do not impose it upon my wife or children. They are aware of my atheism. I was a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout all through my childhood and feel the experience was, overall, a very good one. At the time, I was pretty religious, and so were my grandparents who raised me, so maybe didn't notice it, but I don't remember the religious parts being emphasized in scouts. They were definitely there and the troop did meet at the church as it was sponsored by it, but I don't remember ever being told that I had to believe to be in scouts. I still consider myself a person of good character. I feel strongly that my children would have a terrific experience in scouting. There are many wonderful things to learn and do. The interaction with other scouts, the environment, and community are all very admirable and desire-able. I also feel strongly that my lack of faith should not hinder my children from having that experience. Is there a comparable organization that is not grounded on faith in a higher power? What other choices are there? I know my son believes in God and considers himself a Christian. That should be enough for him to be allowed to stay in Scouts. But what about children who have parents that impose their beliefs upon them? Should the child be denied the opportunity? Why is it automatically assumed that if you don't believe in a God, you cannot have good character? Good character is not dependent upon faith in a God. In the case of this young boy claiming to be an atheist going into Webelos, I'd be very surprised if he really was and not just repeating what his parents have told him. In any event, why should the scouts or the church have a problem with an atheist in their organization? Are they afraid their faith will be challenged? Isn't that what you want? This is an opportunity to share your faith, communicate with, and have a positive influence on a child's character. Maybe he's an atheist today, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was a Christian tomorrow, or a Buddhist, Wiccan, Muslim or Satanist. What outcome/impact do you want to have? That is the question you should be asking.
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