My name is Alan Larson. I was a member of Troop 81 in North Aurora from 1973 until 1980. i spent 8 wonderful years at Chin Be Gota. They were some of the best years of my life. I spent three summers on the staff. they wre the greatest. 1977 i was helping out the staff for two weeks, 1978 i was quartermaster and 1985 i was trading post manager/chaplain. I cant enough about the commarodores we had and the friends i made. i was sorry to see it sold in 1985. i wish i could get back that way some day, but i live in texas now. i too remember griz.. he was my first scoutmaster in troop 81. billy adams told me of his death in phone call imade to him in 1991. i also remeber jerry streit and john bland very well, especially john running camporees in devils cave district and especially running the campfires with his booming voice.. iknow they will be missed. my life is better for knowing them. the other person that made cbg fun and great was bill wiggins. how many of us remember him? he was the greatest influence on my scouting life. i would like to hear from some of the people who were a part of the staff in 1978.