My son is getting ready to go on a weekend outing this coming weekend with his troop. He will be the cook for the weekend meals. In this particular troop the menu is planned at the Monday meeting. On Thursday night the Scoutmaster comes to the home of the boy that has the cooking duties and takes him grocery shopping for the food and to get everything organized for the outing.
The real problem is that he does this as a 1 on 1 basis. Just the scotmaster and the boy. When asked about this the scoutmaster replies that scouting policy says that 2 adults must be present but "he has never paid any attention to this policy since he has been involved in scouting". The troop committe chair is always stressing safe scouting policy but seems to ignore this situation when it happens.
I feel that when an adult becomes a leader in scouting that they agree tho follow scout policies. Is it not true that the 2 adult policy is one of the most important ones in souting.
As far as taking this to the troop committe, district exec or council exec would be a waste of time from what I have seen. The scoutmaster in question has been in scouting for around 18 to 20 years in this council. He has held various council level positions and is highly regarded by the status quo in the council. He also is very prominent in the business community and has helped troops raise thousands of dollars thru certain functions.
I have been around this person on some outings and functions and feel that his character is "probably ok". But I feel that the issue goes beyond that. If eveyones character was ok scouting would not need the safe scouting guidelines and we would be a better organization. My son really likes the troop and has gained many friends in his time there.
Would like to hear from the "wise and experienced" users of this forum. I think the issue is to important to ignore but how should it be handled without it getting out of hand.