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Everything posted by duckfoot

  1. 2016? President Rowe? He is an impressive guy, I'd vote for him.
  2. I wasn't trying to be mean. Just weary of her diatribes and trying to give some advice. Why would you subject yourself to the organization that time and time again gives you fits?
  3. You don't like the BSA. We know. Put your son in TrailLife, get over it and let it go.
  4. I'm going to drop this in camping, because what's better than a meal over the campfire after a hard days hike?
  5. Welcome to our virtual Roundtable.
  6. From the little info given, there may be nothing you could tell them to change their minds on this point. Parents can be stubborn. Your biggest argument is going to be that Eagle is important to you to acheive, you've already started the ball rolling to that goal. You can point to that fact. Your license is also important to you, tell them that too. Just because you have a license doesn't mean that they need to let you drive, but I agree with qwase about the middle ground. See if they'll let you get your license when your project gets approved, it'll make it easier to run around and get the things done for your project. If your progress stalls, they can always revoke your driving privelages. Good luck!
  7. Well Hell's Bells...you're right. Scoutson did get at least one belt loop, though i'm still hard pressed to remember it...still, that just makes the point, you can run a good Cub program without them. I'll refrain from commenting about Cubs from now on, it was so long ago...I'll just show myself out the door...
  8. Show me where a belt loop is required to be earned for advancement?
  9. I'm pretty sure the belt loops are not essential to the program. Scout son made it from Tiger to Life without earning one, wasn't a den priority. I'm pretty sure his journey will be complete without them...
  10. Yay! Your post survived the night!! Maybe mine succumbed to the extreme cold...
  11. I think your overthinking it....The ultimate goal is the Mission. How do you get there? The Aims and the Aims are accomplished with the Method. The Vision is trash...'Eligible Youth'? What about the others? Don't care about them?
  12. I wish Schiff better luck than I had posting this topic... The problem is always the adults....and the Smoking Man
  13. Good topic...Personally I don't and wouldn't friend a scout directly. I friend their parents, mostly so they can see the pictures I post of Scout activities so they can see their Scout in action. A better option is to have a group page for these things, or a Shutterfly account or the like.
  14. No worries Schiff...we're good. I know the mods didn't remove it...I just figured it was lost in the ether...mods are a good target though...
  15. *duckfoot. FTFY. I guess the mods didn't like that post...
  16. I'd think I'd prefer this one, stick powered. That's a lot of gas to carry to charge a phone.
  17. Well newtoscoutsdad, pick your answer from the flame war here or you can ask the guy to give you your real answer...That would be your Scoutmaster.
  18. So you'd cancel the entire trip rather than let one non scout boy go? That really helps the scouts... I'm sorry but I fail to see how one non scout son ruins a camping weekend.
  19. Tell me where it says you need adult leadership at all on that 15 mile day hike? ASM and son stay back at camp or go on as much of that hike as they want. SM and the rest of the troop carry on. Where's the issue?
  20. Moose, OP wants to bring his younger son on a troop campout. Just because the younger son is a wolf makes no difference in the world. That has no bearing on the son and dad camping with the troop, he's just being a son, not a scout. Base, being thin on adult leadership is not the same as having a shallow program. Thin I can understand, shallow just means the boys aren't being allowed to lead, the adults have to birddog them to death....
  21. I'm throwing the BS flag. Heaven forbid a boy goes along on a boy scout trip. By all means, keep those younger boys at home so they can't experience what a troop actually does. Keep them home and do the arts and crafts like they are supposed to. Once they get it in their heads there is more to the program than that, the whole thing could collapse. Are your programs that shallow that an ASM is an integral part of any trip?
  22. _∩_ Get ya some of that!
  23. duckfoot

    Train Wreck!

    For sure...it's easy to Monday morning quarterback these things. We've all been there on both sides....good luck on capturing some of those webelos...
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