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  1. Well, Richard, we'd all take the discussions much more seriously if BSA would BACK UP their position on H&S instead of just saying "hey, we've decided this is bad for no particular reason." Case in point? Lasertag. Compare safety issues in a commercial lasertag establishment with things that are allowed - skiing, hunting, snowmobiling, etc. Where are the statistics? If there are none, then be honest about it and admit that policy is part of H&S, not just safety. Otherwise, stick solely to H&S issues and let policy statements be found elsewhere. Now they are even talking about flaming marshmallows? So, will there be mention of statistics? ANY proof at all that something more than a few minor burns to the tips of some fingers, the same thing that happens when a tenderfoot lights a match to light a stove? That is more likely to cause a burn, so ban that instead. Silly. But even in the scouting forum you mention, Richard, you NEVER bring in actual injury statistics, so just admit it isn't H&S that is the concern, rather policy. Don Roberts
  2. It amazes me that anyone took my prank seriously. Just read it. When has BSA *EVER* offered an explanation as to why it is making a change? When has BSA *EVER* recognized Powder Horn on an equal footing with Wood Badge (even though PH is a *FAR* superior and much more useful training, WB is the one with the reputation)? YPT is a local thing, and National has NO records of this training, so how can they require you put it on the TP? And WB or PH as required training to sign a form? Oh come now. Not to mention the virtual impossibility of the regional offices handling the volume. Ah well, one never knows what people will believe.
  3. The reference to the ban on flashlight tag is quite real. In a commercial context, it is called "lasertag" and the G2SS specifically bans it, but for a very narrow window the lasertag ban was removed then put back. Lasertag is definitely indistinguishable from flashlight tag, just done indoors with some high tech targeting equipment, using the catchy name "laser" to make those flashlights sound like more than they are
  4. This was MY April Fools Prank. C'mon, do you really think they would need wood badge for a tour permit? Geez.
  5. Greetings! I have created an unofficial western region World Jamboree International Service Team patch for wear or collection. I am selling them for $3 each (postage included). If you are interested, or collect WJ items and wnat same, drop me a line at robertsd@sbcglobal.net To see the patch, link to http://www.sageventure.com/scouting2007/IST/logo.html and click on the link called "pop-window" to see the patch. It features the western regaion rearing stallion and star, the UK logo from the WJ official patch and the international purple color.
  6. There has been a bit of misinformation so let's get this straight. For the 2007 WJ, there are an abundance of unfilled youth slots, particularly for female venturers. Cost is $3975 + about $1000 for expenses. 2003 WJ in Thailand was $3625 + about $1000 for expenses. Cost is highly dependant on host country fee set for attendees. Expect no more than $4000-4500 for the fee in 2011 unless air fare prices and exchange rates go through the roof. Given the accommodations, touring, meals and transportation, this fee is VERY competitive with a tour company offering something similar (at least as similar as you can get, obviously you can't duplicate the Jamboree experience). It sounds expensive, but it is not particularly out of line. Expect more than enough youth slots to be available in 2011. Adult slots are a different matter. Here in western region, I understand we have about 400 adults vying for 220 or so spots. Jamboree and international experience are almost a must to be selected. Wood Badge is another important factor. If you want to go in 2011 as an adult, you would be well advised to attend 2007 (if you can get in) and 2010 National. Adult unit leaders pay the $3975 fee. Adult staffers (called International Service Team, or IST) pay $1950 if 25+ and $1750 if 18-24. Add to that cost the flight to England which is not supplied to staff but is part of the fee for contingents. Going on Staff is very economical. Being on staff for 2007 will be an important factor for being selected in 2011. Visiting WJ is somewhat problematic. The details can be found on the official WJ web site, but basically only by appointment, 25 pounds admission, only six days of the Jamboree and guided tour groups only with very limited access to activities at WJ. That doesn't sound fun to me. Bottom line: if you have youth of the right age (13-17 at the moment), they should take advantage of this opportunity. It is not nearly as outrageously expensive as it sounds. Don Roberts Fullerton, CA Member, Orange County Council World Jamboree Committee
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