Well, Richard, we'd all take the discussions much more seriously if BSA would BACK UP their position on H&S instead of just saying "hey, we've decided this is bad for no particular reason." Case in point? Lasertag. Compare safety issues in a commercial lasertag establishment with things that are allowed - skiing, hunting, snowmobiling, etc. Where are the statistics? If there are none, then be honest about it and admit that policy is part of H&S, not just safety. Otherwise, stick solely to H&S issues and let policy statements be found elsewhere.
Now they are even talking about flaming marshmallows? So, will there be mention of statistics? ANY proof at all that something more than a few minor burns to the tips of some fingers, the same thing that happens when a tenderfoot lights a match to light a stove? That is more likely to cause a burn, so ban that instead.
Silly. But even in the scouting forum you mention, Richard, you NEVER bring in actual injury statistics, so just admit it isn't H&S that is the concern, rather policy.
Don Roberts