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Everything posted by 1986OSChamp

  1. I use to be a Antelope And a good ole Antelope too. And now I finished Lopeing... And I don't know what to do. I am growing old and feeble and can Antelope no more.. So I am going wo work my ticket if I can... Back to Gilwell.. Happy Land I'm going to work my ticket if I can.. I have one thing to say about the Bob White patrol.. They are the only feathered patrol that can whistle out of their peckers...
  2. I am very interested in getting one if they are still availble. Please let me know. Jamie
  3. Hey I attended the 1981 Jambo and earned my Eagle. Shortly after earning my Eagle I got in the Order of DeMolay and attended a bunch of formal dances and I wore my Eagle Medal. Even had comment at one of the dances from another Eagle that he never thought about wearing his Medal but thought it was a good Idea. I still wear my Medal to Eagle COH's. I wear the Eagle and AOL Knots on my Adult Scout Shirt and the 81 Jambo patch. My Feeling is that what harm is it to wear patches and or medals that were sometimes very hard to earn?
  4. The talk is that the National Jamboree will be skipping the normal 2009 year. And have it in 2010 when BSA will be 100 anniversy. With NOAC being every 2 years on the even years and would be in 2010 what is going to happen?
  5. Arrow or Light in Cubs Eagle in Boy Scouts Patrol Leader, Asst Sr Patrol Leader, Sr Patrol Leader, Jr Asst Scout Master, Asst Scoutmaster. As a full fledge adult I am serving as 1 of our Tiger Cub Den leaders and am on the District Round Table Staff. Also Active on a District and Council level with Boy Scouts. I served as Lodge Sec. In 1984 for OA.
  6. Proud Eagle, If the Scouter is not registered with a unit he has to register as a at large member of the council. That is standard BSA regulations. He or She has to be registered so that it is leagle.
  7. What I said was that I have a pair of pants from Wal-Mart. I also stated that I do have a pair of official uniform pants that cost me $45.00. I wear the Official ones for SHOW and the Wally World ones for GO. That it. I am not saying that young man thats family can't afford a full uniform should not be ative in Scouts. I am saying that I as a Den Leader and Eagle Scout would rather have tht young man in the Pack or Troop and in a used shirt and a pair of jeans than not have him at all. I also stated that I came from the "Old School" I was taught to wear my uniform have it neatly pressed and looking good all the time. A person should not be judged by wordly wealth.
  8. I agree wholeheartly with you. The uniforms are not durable. The uniforms should be for show etc. like you wear a suit to church. I opt for my son to wear the blue jeans to work activities. I also agree wholeheartly that they are TO COSTLY. So does my wife. I tell you what I did find at Wal-Mart was a pair or green cargo pants I wear to OA Function because of the durablity of them. I just believe that if you start excepting less you will get less. BSA needs to Design a uniform that is more durible and less expensive. Lets Start a Campaign to get them to look at it. BTW. The Green Cargo pants I got from Wally World look exactly like BSA pants. Not a dimes bit of difference in them.
  9. Ok, I guess I am guilty of comming from the "Old School". I am a Eagle Scout, Arrow of Light. I was tought that you wear your full uniform at all meetings, on the way to campouts (traveling), at flag raisings. I am a Tiger Den Leader and when I go to a Den Meeting I make sure my Son and myself are in FULL Class A uniform from head to toe. My son is 7 and at this point he thinks it is cool to get dressed up with dad and go to the meeting. When I accepted the Den Leaders job my wife kinda got mad because I insisted on buy a new Scout Uniform. I ended up having to buy it in peices because of price. But I did not put one on until I could put the whole thing on. This past Saturday night I took him to a OA family banquet and he was the only Cub Scout there in uniform. But again it was cool to go to a dinner with dad. We even had remarks on the way he was dressed. So I feel that if you are going to be a leader you need to lead by example. 1st example (1st impresion) is the way you dress.
  10. when should I apply for the 2010 Jambo. My son will be 13 and I want to be on staff.
  11. No I knew that the comment about Masons and Shriners was sarcastic. I Just wanted to point out to other posters the good that Masonic Frternity does. Alot of people are in the dark about Freemasonry. Thats all.
  12. I think you are missing my point. I am saying that all the lodge officers are usually in their upper teens. I realize that a 12 yr old can give as much service to the order as a 14 year old. What I am saying is that when you go to Ordeals you are usually camping by yourself or with a toop friend at 14 you are more experianced than at 12. Thats all it is a muturity thing. Heck who knows I may be waiting to put the sash around my sons shoulders when he is 13. But at this point I am in favor of a SM making that decision. You know as well as I do that there is not suppose to be any hazing in OA. But it existed when I got in 23yrs ago and it exist today to some extent. I believe that maturity will make a young man come back after his ordeal. Thats all I am concerned about.
  13. My father pushed me and when he needed to let up he did. He pushed me to do something that he was 3 merit badges away from completing. I was very entergetic and could have finished it alot earlier than I did. He and my mother wanted to get all I could out of scouting. I am now giving back to scouting what I recieved from it. I kick myself everytime I think about getting inactive but when my 7 year old came home and dad I want to join Cub Scouts I renewed a old love that is 18 years removed. What changes at 14 that are not there at 12 is tenure and maturity. I was tapped out when I was 15 one of the greatest things that happened to me in scouting. I know from experiance with another youth organization that I am envolved in that the difference in maturity, when you are 12 and 14 is light years. I also know that because I have a 15 year old daughter that will be Worthy Advisor of her Rainbow assembly in January. To think about her being in that position 2 1/2 years ago she would have been over her head. I had wanted to be a Dancer since the time I witness the dancers when I was 8 yrs old at a Scout Show. The one advantage my son will have is that his father will teach and let him dance with the OA dance team and a Indian Assoc. that we belong to. My father did not get in OA until I tapped him and my brother out on the same night and placed the sash around their shoulders the night of their Ordeal. Now my father pushed me but he knew when to let up. I say this about the age because I have a Nephew that was ready to recieve his Eagle at 13 and now he is 17 and he has not yet recieved it because of a argument he got into with his Scout Master. I have tried and tried and tried to get my brother to push him but he won't. Now he is a Freshmen in College (graduated early) and very active in Drama at the Univ. Of Memphis and lost interest in BS.
  14. I truly know why the order was established. I also believe there should be a age requirment of 14 yrs to tapped out. I say that for the reason that a young man gets in scouts at 11 yrs old gung ho and quickly attains the rank of 1st lets say in a year. Meets the minimum requirements for nights spent under the stars. Is he a "Honored Camper" because he has fulfilled the requirements? I have the same opinion of a young man getting his eagle before he is 15. I was 16 when I recieved mine. I believed that it helped me to be that age. I could have gotten at probably 14 1/2 but my father slowed my progress up so I would not lose interest.
  15. Bob, I know why the Order was established. You are forgetting the other fume that goes with it. And it as been around since Adam and Eve. Perfume...
  16. Dan, Read OldGreyEagles post about 4 post up. The Order of the Arrow does not rely on secrets to spark interest. It has secrets to alow members to reconize other members when among non members. The secrets are merely symbolic. The OA sole purpose is service. The bottom line is OA was started to keep the older Scouts Active after they got infected with the "Fumes".
  17. Hey count me in for a 7 1/2. I've always wanted one. Let me know.
  18. OK, Jerk Up and Tapped Out and I mean TAPPED out at Fall Camporee in 1981. Chickasah Lodge Ordeal in November of 1981. Brotherhood in November of 82. Shortly after Ordeal I started dancing on the Lodge dance team. Danced my First dance a Blue and Gold. Fell in Love. went to a National Indian Seminar in 83. Won a Section in 83 & 84. Elected Lodge Sec in 1984. Went to NOAC in 1986 place in the top 10 in Old Style. Was a wonderful experiance. I help the Order off and on for a few years after I got married in 88 but grew inactive because of family and other obligations. But then my 7 year old son came home and said Dad I want to join Cub Scouts and I went to the Bathroom and shut the door and cried. Then I told him he could and I would get active with the pack. Now I am a asst. Den Leader. Then Came Scout Base a few weeks ago. The OA had a Pow Wow at the Scout Base and I had to dance again but not having a Outfit with me I only danced 3 dances in my street cloths. I promptly went to the OA booth and paid my dues and said I wanted to get active with the dance team and help get the team back going again. The Lodge merged with another and now Ahoalan Nachpikin #558. I can't wait to get back on the dance floor in my outfit for the first time. I may have to go from Taditional to Straight because of my age and knees. So now you know my life history. Jamie Eagle Scout Class or 1983
  19. Ok.To say the Masonic Fraternity has NO purpose is Crazy, Feemasonry spend $3.5 millon a day on their charities. Let me say that again. Freemasonry spends $3.5 million a day on their charities. The Shrine of North America has 22 ortopedic and burn hospitals in North America. When they get a child there it costs the Families of the child NOTHING for the child to stay there the family pays NOTHING for the exlant care they recieve. The Masonic Frternity has a great purpose, as does the Scouting movement. I am a Eagle Scout an very proud member of OA and a 32 degree Master Mason. And a Past Master of my Masonic Lodge. I am just getting back active with BSA since my son is 7 and now a Tiger Cub. I am loving it.
  20. Ok. Let me tell you I am a member of a few organizationss that have secrets. Thy are not "Secret Organizations". They organizationss with ssecrets (ie Master Mason, 32 Scottish Rite, York Rite, Grotto, Shrine, Eastern Star, Royal Order of Scottland and The Order of DeMolay). They all have secrets BUT they are not secret orders. Reason being they all have buildings with signs telling who we are and when we meet. Now the Secrets are the same type that OA has (ie signs words and modes of reconigtion) thats all the secrets that the organizations I mentioned have. I am also a very proud member of the OA. The main reason for secrets in ALL orders are for Bounding you to that order.
  21. That ia a wonderful poem well worded and thought out. I will use it to modivate future Scoute in our area. I must also say that I owe everything that I did no scouting to my Mother and Father. My Father Pushed and Pushed and Pushed me until I got my Eagle. I owe it to them for sacrificing so my brother and I could attend camps and OA fuctions all over the country. I also agree with the last post about giving back to scouting. I recieved my eagle in 1983 seems like a eternity ago. I got in The Order of DeMolay shortly after and fell in love with DeMolay recieved every honor could and stayed active til my 7 yr old son came home and said DAD I want to join Cub Scouts. I could not wait til we went on our first campout together. I am now Pushing my son as did my Father did. I lost my Father in 1997 to MD. I am also active in our troop as well as being a Asst. Den Leader for the Pack. All I can say is Keep on Scouting. Jamie Eagle Scout 1983
  22. UNC, I haven't never thought about that but in my OA days we were kinda wild and I should have taken some of the costers from the pizza parlor in town near our camp we had all or ordeals at. THOSE have some memories. JWA
  23. I served as Lodge Sec in 1984 for Chicasah Lodge #406. I just went to to the Scout office and paid my dues and filled out a form and I was back in good. The Scout Office can take care of you and then you will have a recipt for dues and can transfer to the local lodge. Jamie
  24. I am a new Den Leader now that my son is a Tiger cub. When I was a Cub Scout my father was the Cub Master all during my CS days and he wore a Red Vest hand made by my mother. He was very proud of the patches that he collected during his days as Cub Master. When I bridged over to Boy Scouts he did not wear the vest. There is no rule for or against Adult leader wearing a vest or red jacket displaying his or her patches. I personally don't wear a red vest or jacket but I am thinking about getting Red Wool Jacket but I am not going to put patches on it other than maybe a OA patch. Hope this helps. Jamie
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