My understanding is that there is always a delay between administrations. If there is an issue with Trump's approval, perhaps this is a good opportunity to move away from the President of the US as the honorary President of Scouting America and have someone else serve in that role. David Montgomery? Mike Rowe?
I'm not sure if there is an issue, but it would be interesting to see someone who is actually a former scout and exemplifies scouting ideals as the honorary president vs politicians.
One must wonder if, in addition to the other areas of focus, there is a perception within the Administration that a name change in the name of inclusiveness, as manifested on the new certificates and the new patch, is indicative of DEI/woke paradigms and slowing any assistance is a method to create angst before leveraging abandonment of such updates.
I would add to this that when you get to the made for collector era of anything you need to have an eye for the very best/most desirable. In some collectables there is artificial pumping and dumping happening; however, there are items that people just keep or catch the random person eye and they snag up for a collection. If you want to make money keep an eye out for "signature" items, FOS CSPs, specialty training patches that have dates, basically anything that might indicate a limited run or some sort of way to determine first production run. Not trying to be funny, but, it is sort of comical, anything that you look at and might think, "oh that might offend so-and-so", you know that's gold, it's going to get pulled out of production somehow, people will want it because of the taboo.
You probably have three things working against you:
1. Memorabilia worth in dollars is cyclical, not linear. Councils have tended to over-produce patches. So there’s a glut.
2. People like me give old patches away to young scouts. We don’t care if you’d pay a grand for it. If you aren’t hiking and camping with us and we haven’t seen your Scout Spirit IRL, you ain’t getting it.
3. I personally invest time sharing my values to scouts. They grow up and become hard customers. (Just try selling anything to my adult children.) I’m sure others are like me. We work for smiles. If there’s an opportunity to put a smile on a face instead of a dollar in a pocket, I’m in.