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    • Did you get an email with 4 pdf documents attached? The email had the "reconsideration form" on it.  That is the one that if you contested the amount, you fill out the form and send in the $1,000. It was explained to me that this was for the review committee to go back over all your documentation and listen or read your reasons. The 4 documents were: 1) a calculation form,  2) a trust review - claim notice, 3)  a release form titled Exhibit B (this one had to be notarized so I went to my banker) and, 4)  a Signature Attestation Form. We may have had different attorneys, but I would think the forms and procedures would be the same. In fact, I had an email this past Monday from the settlement folks with an online questionnaire to fill out, but I could not get it to open, so I called. This nice lady explained that it dealt with "liens" . She explained that that meant, did I have any liens against anyone involved with this, which I did not. She would then forward my claim and I got an email on Tuesday that I should receive the first check in 2 weeks. I've never been involved with anything like this, so I don't understand the disbursement. I am to receive a 1.5% check (of the total) right away, then other checks to follow. It appears to be coming to a conclusion, but until I have the check(s) in hand, I'm not making any plans. When I saw the about $500,00 amount, I think I was in sort of a shock, as to what we would do with this. I've since calmed down, talked to out financial manager, and am just waiting. Other than this, I don't know what I can do to help. I'd be glad to send you these forms with my personal information removed. Here again, we may have different attorneys, if that matters.
    • Did anyone thats not represented by a lawyer make heads or tails of the 3 releases, Exhibits B, C and D and which ones are the best options iyo?
    • I probably should have hired an attorney after I found that they went from $492K+ to just $77K, then said we're taking 40% of that!  I read in your post that they took their 40% off of the top, not staggered, i.e., awaiting each claim and THEN taking 40%. I thought that was pretty cheap, and w/o any sense; of course they'd take 40% from a larger number.   It's not logical that they would divide it up equally (as you state $37,000 each) because they'd already awarded a victim $2.7M and they said I was eligible for $492K+ but then cut it down to $77K (how they'd know to do that, I've no clue and that's when I should have called an attorney), then said we're going to take 40% of that for our fee, and that leaves you with about $44K, and we can give you 1/10 of that as an initial payment, and the rest at some later date which is unknown.   It is true that the dollar amount doesn't take away the feelings, emotions, I mean, i blocked it all out, and then had to re-tell the stories, provide pictures of the Scoutmaster, show pictures of the many places within 45-90 mins of our Scout troop headquarters that he'd take us, and where i was abused. that includes a jamboree in europe.  This "reconsideration" and paying $1000 within 60 days of the day that I was given the claim amount, was NEVER brought to my attention. They did NOT tell me if you feel like this is unfair, you have an option of asking for a "reconsideration" and here's how to go about that. I would have done that, esp., given how yours turned out.  This infuriates me.  
    • It's more than just POTUS signature. My council has had difficulty getting anything back from national in less than 8 weeks since the turn of the year. 
    • That is actually the best response and I apologize for bringing it in.  Separating frustration from places it should be left from.  
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