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About Erbaciousk

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    Junior Member

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    New Jersey
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  1. Well, here we are on the evening of July 6th, and the online training hasn't been updated yet. No updates on myscouting.org either. I guess they are running behind on implementation.
  2. It is worth it to research what other councils in your area are offering in the way of training. You don't have to take the training in your home council; the certification card is a standard BSA training certification card. I missed my council's spring BALOO course, and found it offered on a more convenient day, and for a better price, by another council in my state. I had to travel across the state to attend, but fortunately New Jersey is a small state and I was able to complete the training. The only real downside was that the trainers shared some local information (regarding in-council par
  3. Let me be clear, I am talking about leader- specific training. BALOO and OWL training has to be live, to my understanding.
  4. A follow-up to my own post, according to the program updates page on scouting.org (http://www.scouting.org/Home/programupdates.aspx): The online training for den leaders, Cubmasters, committee chairs and members, and chartered organization representatives has been totally updated with help from volunteers from around the country. The new training will be divided into shorter, more targeted modules so leaders can get the training they need, in the order they want, any time they need it. The new training is organized around the learning needed prior to the first meeting, in the first 30 day
  5. Is there any word as to when the e-training courses will be updated to reflect the new cub scout program? I am re-taking the Tiger Cub den-leader online course at scouting.org, and it has not been updated yet.
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