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Wearing an old uniform

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One of my son's 4 uniforms used to be mine.  It is done up inthe late 80's style, with the white on red unit number, red loops, the old red and white tote n chip on the right pocket, and a green position of respnsibility patch. 


I made it for him because he is just a busy scout, but it has become his go to choice whenever it is clean.


I encourage him to save that one for non unit events, like, OA chapter meetings, NYLT staff development, etc. as I think he doesn't quite look like he is in uniform at troop events, but, he says he likes it because it is soft! 


He has both long and short sleeve modern uniforms, and a venturing uniform.


I think he said something recently about trying to find an 80's era explorer uniform. 




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I was setting up a ton of Explorer posts back in the mid 70's and I don't think they were doing uniforms back then.  At least none of the General Interest Posts used them.  I think the Law Enforcement and Fire Department Posts might have had some sort of auxiliary uniform reflective of the Post's interest but nothing official.


I don't know when the new Venturing uniform came about, I was a CA for 15 years and never needed one.


Hopefully others will have more details than what I have to offer.

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I was setting up a ton of Explorer posts back in the mid 70's and I don't think they were doing uniforms back then.  At least none of the General Interest Posts used them.  I think the Law Enforcement and Fire Department Posts might have had some sort of auxiliary uniform reflective of the Post's interest but nothing official.


I don't know when the new Venturing uniform came about, I was a CA for 15 years and never needed one.


Hopefully others will have more details than what I have to offer.


I recall my post president and vice president wearing dark green uniforms in the 90's, definitely before venturing.  Maybe the uniforms were older, I've seen some good examples of before my time explorer uniforms. 

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I focused more on the special interest posts and they didn't use them much if at all.  We did have GI posts, but they were already established before the onset of co-ed Exploring.

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