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Merit Badge Sashes

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One of the other posts about trousers and growing boys reminds me of a way to extend the useful life of a merit badge sash and avoid transferring all the patches to a larger sash. When a boy starts his scouting career and first needs a merit badge sash, buy the large sash. This may hang to the floor on a small boy without modifying the sash. Do this by taking up a loop of fabric at the top of the sash, where the hem rests on the shoulder. Do not cut the fabric. Put this loop underneath. This will make the sash shorter for a smaller body. As the boy grows taller, and needs more space for all those patches, let out the loop. Save sewing effort and dollars!

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Ever see "Sash Sag"? You know when a boy earns a lot of badges and the sash wants to creep down to his belt buckle?


Sew a button hole in the sash on the shoulder right where the sash passes over the epaulet (sp?-shoulder loop) button. When he wears the sash he can button it in place.


Viola! No sag.

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